District Attorney Recovery Team

The District Attorney’s Restitution Recovery Team (also known as DART) was formed for the purpose of monitoring, tracking, and collecting restitution owed by convicted offenders to victims of crime.

The District Attorney’s Office has two Recovery Divisions that specialize in the collection of unpaid funds owed by defendants. They are the District Attorney’s Restitution Recovery Team (DART) and the District Attorney’s Municipal Recovery Unit (the Recovery Unit). DART handles cases referred to our office by the District & Circuit Courts of Mobile County when a defendant has not paid restitution to the clerk of the court within the period of time specified by the Court. In addition to collecting unpaid restitution, DART also collects unpaid court costs and fines, as well as unpaid traffic tickets given through the County and State by a Deputy or State Trooper.

Please note: For Municipal Court traffic tickets given by a City of Mobile police officer, please contact Mobile Municipal Court at (251) 208-7055 or the District Attorney’s Municipal Recovery Unit at (251) 574-5510. If you are the victim of a crime and restitution was ordered in your case but is not being paid, you may contact DART at (251) 574-5515 or email DART Supervisor Linda Watson at lindawatson@mobileda.org

Make a payment

If you owe restitution and need to discuss payment arrangements, please contact DART at (251) 574-5515. For a list of offenders that have active warrants for unpaid restitution, court costs, or fines, please click here.

To pay restitution in Circuit Court cases and District Court cases (criminal and traffic) click here

If you need assistance, please call DART at (251) 574-5515

If paying by mail:

District Court Clerk’s Office
Attn: District Criminal
205 Government St. RM 338
Mobile, AL 36644

Circuit Court Clerk’s Office
Attn: Circuit Criminal
205 Government St. RM C927
Mobile, AL 36644

If paying in person:

Mobile Government Plaza
205 Government St., North Tower
District Clerk: 3rd Floor
Circuit Court: 9th Floor

Please note: Always include the case number or ticket number on all correspondence. Do not send cash through the mail. Only money orders or certified checks are accepted. Personal checks are NOT accepted and will be returned.

Additional resources

If you are the victim of a crime in pending criminal matter, please contact our Victim’s Service Officers for assistance at (251) 574-8400 or click here for more information.

For additional information about restitution, visit the National Center for Victims of Crime here.

Please click here for information about the District Attorney’s Municipal Recovery Unit.